
Lennart Maschmeyer is an Assistant Professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Toronto and an MPhil in International Relations from the University of Oxford. Lennart’s research examines the subversive nature of cyber power, focusing on its operational challenges and strategic limitations. In particular, he has studied the use of cyber operations in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict since 2014. As part of this research, Lennart is also investigating the effectiveness of social media disinformation as a subversive instrument. A second pillar of Lennart’s research agenda critically examines knowledge production processes in cybersecurity and resulting bias and distortions.

His work an commentary has been featured in, among others, The Economist, The Guardian, BBC World News, The New York Times, Wired Magazine, Sky News, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, SRF, Die Zeit, Sueddeutsche Zeitung and Der Spiegel.

Apart from his research, Lennart is also engaged in two community initiatives. He is the founder co-chair of the FIRST Threat Intel Coalition SIG, an initiative to help civil society defend against cyber threats. He is also the founder and co-​chair of the ECCRI Virtual Research Workshops that bring together academics and practitioners in cybersecurity.

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Lennart’s book “Subversion” (Oxford University Press, 2024) is now available.
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